"I never made myself out to be the end-all," Fauci replied. "I’m a scientist, a physician, cigarettesusaonline.com]Online Cigarettes Store USA[/url] and a public health official. I give advice according to the best scientific evidence."
He continued: "You used the word we should be 'humble' about what we don’t know. I think that falls under the fact that we don’t know everything about this virus, and we really had better be very careful, particularly when it comes to children." Citing the evolving cigarettesusaonline.com]Cheap Newport Cigarettes Online Sale[/url] understanding of the virus, Fauci pointed out that some states have seen cases of an inflammatory disease in children that seems to be connected to COVID-19—in New York there have already been 100 documented cases and five deaths.
Paul's apparent lack of concern about future coronavirus surges isn't shared by most public health experts, and without an available vaccine, it's far likelier that we end up living with the pandemic for 18 to 24 months. Paul also suggested that the U.S. follow the lead of Sweden, a country of 10 million people with universal health care and less underlying health conditions (Americans have significantly higher rates of diabetes, hypertension .cigarettesusaonline.com]Cheap Newport Cigarettes Online Sale[/url] and obesity.) Sweden made a controversial decision not to close nonessential businesses like restaurants, gyms, and schools, and the country has been buffered against economic shock. But the death rate in Sweden is even higher than in the U.S. and other nearby countries, and the Swedish government is currently revising its approach after a massive spike in deaths among the elderly.