Hong Kong Economy Business Articles | March 20 Rams Kids Jersey , 2009 Hong Kong's highly favorable geographical position , with a rapidly growing Mainland China as its hinterland, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a hub for international business, trade and finance and other wealth generating assets. It has a superb sheltered natural harbor and under the British administration, it is a thriving international port with cosmopolitan services economy coupled with a free market economic policy.
Hong Kong's highly favorable geographical position Rams Youth Jersey , with a rapidly growing Mainland China as its hinterland, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a hub for international business, trade and finance and other wealth generating assets. It has a superb sheltered natural harbor and under the British administration, it is a thriving international port with cosmopolitan services economy coupled with a free market economic policy.
The Hong Kong economy expanded by 4.3% in the first three quarters of 2008, after growing by 6.4% in 2007. The reduction in the expansion patterns is due to the global market turbulence. The labor force in Hong Kong is skilled Rams Womens Jersey , adaptable and hard working and have adopted western business methods and technology for value-added service rendering. Probably that is a potent factor for the increase in employment rates. A large portion of revenues are generated due to tourism here. In 2008, there were 29.5 million visitors in this port, nearly four times larger than the local populaton.
In order to entrench the economic and trade relations between Hong Kong and the Mainland, 17 service sectors have met liberalization measures. This has expanded the growth potential of Hong Kong companies in China. The political administrations have managed to keep the budget deficits low by holding back public borrowing, credit expansion and inflation rates. Hong Kong firms and industries find surviving in the economic environment Black Rams Jersey , very competitive due to hurdles in the form of political production planning and price and import controls. However, the port is slowly and steadily opening up to the global economic environment and shall continue its marathon towards economic success.
To know more about? Hong Kong business news then click here -
15 Keys to Happiness! Self Help Articles | July 12, 2010
This is a 15 lesson series on "Keys to Happiness"
We'll not only discuss the secrets to attaining happiness, but also provide daily exercises which are a crucial part in that transformational process.
15 Keys to Happiness!
The feeling of joy and happiness can be illusive and even if one achieves it, can a hard thing to hold on to in this world Rams Jersey Sale , especially, if we look for happiness in the usual places like material things.?
I remember when I first came to the US from Austria.? More than anything, I wanted to succeed.? I heard about how in America anything is possible, how anyone can live the American dream.? That?s when I first got into advertising.? I loved what I was doing and I worked very hard to become successful.? I became one of the top ad sales people in our company and I achieved what most people would consider great success.?
That?s when I first started to realize that having success in the usual sense wasn?t what it was cracked up to be.? As I made more and more money, I was able to buy many things Cheap Rams Jersey , I came to the same conclusion that many people before me who have money, houses, cars, etc. have come to and that is that happiness has little or nothing to do with how much money we have or how big of house we live in.?
So what are the keys to happiness?? In the next 15 weeks we?ll take a look at 15 keys to happiness starting with what I believe is the most important key and the foundation of happiness.
#1 Key to happiness - A relationship with God
I believe that having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the most important key to finding happiness. ?
?In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore?.? Psalms 16:11 (NKJV)?
Knowing the one who made you, who planned your every feature and personality trait Rams Rob Havenstein Jersey , who saw every day of your life before the foundation of the world ? knowing this one is truly the cornerstone and the foundation of happiness.
There are several reasons why we experience happiness through a relationship with God.? Through this relationship, we find our origin, purpose, and destiny, which is a pre-requisite to happiness ?(Read Gen. 1; Eccl. 12:13 and Matt. 25: 46).
As humans, we?re meant to have deep emotional connections with others, without which there will be a void in our lives that can?t be replaced by anything else.
A baby is meant to have a mom and a dad who loves and cares for them, without which the baby will grow into a person with psychological issues through much of their lives.? ??
When we ignore our need for God, life does not seem to work correctly.? In the same way as the above examples Rams Jared Goff Jersey , God made us to have relationship with Him.? In a sense, God completes us.? When we choose to ignore that relationship, we fight against nature and our purpose and therefore elude happiness.
The Bible also says??and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus?.? Phil 4:6-7 (NKJV)
?Happy are the people whose God is the LORD?!? Psalms 144:15 (NKJV)