Games > Game Genres > MMORPG > EverQuest 2SBI PO Syllabus S'well Bottiglie 17oz Night Surf Fiori Italia , simple interest and compound interest Posted by thetubeguru in Games on February 14th, 2017
Firslty, the exam is mainly divided into two parts i.e. preliminary and mains. The difficulty level for both the exam is different. Mains is a little bit more tricky and reasonable as compared to Prelims. There are some special instructions given at the last, please read carefully. Each question carries one mark, hundred questions are going to be asked. So the maximum maks will be 100. The Prelims exam is divided into three major categories :- 1. ENGLISH LANGUAGE (30 Questions) 2. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE(35 Questions) 3. REASONING ABILITY(35 Questions)
All the sections have a very easy(less time consuming), easy(moderate time consuming) and tough questions(high time consuming). Following is the SBI PO syllabus according to the sections and question distribution (denoted by Q) :-
ENGLISH LANGUAGE • Very easy:- fill ups (0-5 Q) • Easy:- Reading compression(7-10 Q) S'well Bottiglie 17oz Lanai Fiori Italia , para jumbles(0-5 Q), cloze test (5-10 Q), Error splitting (5-10 Q) • TrickyTough:- Word association pair (0-5 Q), spelling (0-3 Q), sentence correction (0-5 Q), paragraph correction(0-5Q) S'well Bottiglie 17oz Lyon Fiori Italia , phrase idiom meaning (0-3 Q).
QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE • Very easy:- Simplification (5-10Q), number system(0-1Q), average(1-2 Q), percentage(1-2 Q), ratio and proportion(1-2 Q), interest compound and simple (1-2 Q) S'well Bottiglie 17oz Emerald Italia ,number series (0-5 Q). • Easy:- Coding-decoding(1-2 Q), profit and loss (1-2Q), speed distance and time (1-2 Q), algebra(0-6 Q), Mensuration(1-2 Q), data interpretation(5-10 Q). • Tough:- Time and work (1-2 Q) S'well Bottiglie 17oz Angel Food Italia , permutation and combination (0-1 Q), mixture problem(1-2 Q) , probability(0-1 Q), data sufficiency(0-5Q).
REASONING ABILITY • Very easy:- inequalities(5 Q) , ordering and ranking(0-5 Q), direction and distance(2-5 Q). • Easy:- blood relations(2-3 Q) S'well Bottiglie 17oz Azure Leopard Italia , Syllogism(0-5 Q). • Tough :- circular seating arrangement(5-7 Q), linear seating arrangement(5-11 Q), double line up(0-6 Q), scheduling(0-6 Q), grouping and selection(0-5Q), making judgements(0-5 Q) The Mains exam is divided into six major categories :-